瑞典DVPOWER CAT500断路器机械特性分析仪由爱仪器仪表网代理,CAT500引入了一些独特的测试功能,大大节省了对所有类型的中高压断路器进行状态评估所需的时间。现在热卖中,如需购买,可通过ai1718.com的客服热线联系我们!
10.1 英寸触摸屏显示器
CAT 模块,用于在 BSG 条件下对多达 12 个主触点室进行静态/动态电阻测量
用于BSG条件下单极控制GIS CB定时测量的GIS模块
瑞典DV-power断路器定时器和分析仪 CAT500总结了我们过去13年在断路器测试设备设计方面的所有经验和知识。
CAT500 引入了一些独特的测试功能,大大节省了对所有类型的中高压断路器进行状态评估所需的时间。
CAT500 记录 HV 和 MV 断路器移动部件的开合线圈电流和位移曲线图。六个线圈控制模拟通道可以同
时启动操作、测量和记录线圈电流(开和关),*高可达 35 A。
触摸屏彩色显示屏可轻松控制测试设备和结果分析。测试结果以表格和图形形式打印在 112 毫米(4.4 英寸)
瑞典DV-power断路器定时器和分析仪 CAT500 CAT 模块
CAT 模块可测量两侧接地 (BSG) 的 AIS(空气绝缘变电站)断路器的主电弧触点定时、静态和动态电阻。
两侧接地的 GIS 断路器的定时测量适用于*苛刻的测试情况,例如单极操作的 GIS CB,其极外壳电阻非常低,
或 CT 不能包含在测试接入点之间的测量电路中.
GIS 测试模块由三个基于电池的隔离电源组成,用于为单极受控 CB 的每个极提供大电流。
测试电流在每极 400-500 A 的范围内(取决于电池充电水平和测试电路的电阻)。
不是测量 CT 次级电流信号的变化(当它在接地开关电路之外时),而是在电源内监测初级注入电流的变化。
CAT500 订购信息 | |
Instrument | Article No. |
Circuit Breaker Analyzer &Timer CAT500 with 3 timing channels | CAT500-03-01 |
Circuit Breaker Analyzer &Timer CAT500 with 6 timing channels | CAT500-06-01 |
Circuit Breaker Analyzer &Timer CAT500 with 12 timing channels | CAT500-12-01 |
Included accessories | |
Windows based DV-CB PC software | |
USB cable | |
Ethernet cable | |
Debug adapter | |
Mains power cable | |
Ground (PE)cable | |
Transport case | |
Standard accessories | Article No. |
Simultaneous timing,static (contact)resistance and dynamic resistance measurement | |
CAT Module -for timing,static and dynamic resistance measurement recording | CAT-MODUL-00 |
Communication cable 1 x 15 m for CAT module | C1-0015-RXX |
Current and sense cables 2x 3,5 m(red)with SCT clamps for CAT Module | CSR-3Z5-15NCST |
Current and sense cables 2x1,5 m(black)with SCT clamps for CAT Module | CSB-1Z5-15NCST |
Control cabinet cables | |
Coil control cable set 5 m(16.4 ft)with banana plugs (Single-pole control -6 coil channels) |
CO-05-6BC5B1 |
Coil supply cable set 4x5 m 2,5 mm²(16.4 ft,13 AWG)with banana plugs | CS-05-02BPBP |
Auxiliary contacts cable set 12x5 m(16.4 ft)with banana plugs | AX-05-02BPBP |
Analog channels cable set 12x5 m(16.4 ft)with banana plugs | AN-05-02BPBP |
Cases | |
Plastic case for CAT modules (up to 2 breaks) | PLCAS-CAT-03 |
Cable plastic case -large size (x2) | CABLE-CAS-03 |
Optional accessories | Artide Na |
GIS Test Module for Both Sides Grounded (BSG)on GIS (Gas Insulated Substa ion) | BSG-CATGIS-1 |
Minimum Trip Voltage Module (bult-n,compatble with CAT250 and CAT50 Senes excluding a thermal pninter |
Thermal printer 112 mm 44.4 inch)(bull-in,excluding Minimum Tnp Valt age Module) | PRINT-112-01 |
Thermal paper roll 112 mm (4.4 inch) | PRINT-112-RO |
Built-in high precision measurement modue | RMO-HPMM-DG0 |
Current clamp 30V300 A power supplied from the instrument with extension 5 m(16.4 ft)and adapler |
CACL-0300-07 |
Curert clamp 30/300 A with inlernal batlery supply and exlension 5m(16.4 fp | CACL-0300-08 |
AC Current clamp 1 A/1V with 5 m cable and adapter | CACL-ACBP-05 |
Main contact cables | |
Main contact cales 5 m(16.4 ft)with SCT camps (forthree timing chennek) | CM-05-34MXST |
Main contact cales 5 m(16.4 ft)wth SCT camps (forsi fining crarnds) | CM-05-65MXST |
Main contact cabes 5 m(16.4 fp with SCT clamps (ortwelve timing crarnels) | CM-05-12MXST |
Main contact cabfes extensian | |
Main contact cabes extenson 5m (16.4 t)(or tfree or six tning chands) | E3-05-65MXFX |
Main contact cabes extension 5 m (16.4 t)for welve timing channds) | E6-05-12MXFX |
Main contact cabes extension 10 m (32.8 t)(or tfree or six tning chamds) | E3-10-65MXFX |
Main contact cales extension 10 m (32.8 t)(or twelve lining channels) | E6-10-12MXFX |
Main contact cables extension 15 m (49.2 t)(or tfree or six tning chands) | E3-15-65MXFX |
Main contact cables extension 15 m (49.2 t)(or twelve tining channels) | E6-15-12MXFX |
Con trol cabinet cables | |
Coll control cable set 10 m with banana plugs (Single-pole control -6 coll channels) | CO-10-6BC5B1 |
Coll control cable set 15 m with banana plugs (Single-pole control -6 coll channels) | CO-15-6BC5B1 |
Coll control cable 5 m wth banana pugs (Three-pole control -2 call channeks) | CO-05-00C5B1 |
Coll control cable 10 m wth banana pugs (Thee-pole control -2 coll channels) | CO-10-00C5B1 |
Col contrdl cabe 15 m wth banana plugs (Three-pole control -2 cod channels) | CO-15-00C5B1 |
Auxihary contacis cable set 12x 5 m with banana plugs | AX-05-02BPBP |
Auxlhary contacts cale set 12x 10 m with banana plugs | AX-10-02BPBP |
Auxlhary contacts cale set 12x 15 m with banana plugs | AX-15-02BPBP |
Analog channets calble set 12 x 5 m with banana plugs | AN-06-02BPBP |
Analog channee cale set 12 x 10 m with banana plugs | AN-10-02BPBP |
Analog channee cale set 12 x 15 m with banana plugs | AN-15-02BPBP |
Cable cases | |
Cable plastic case -medium size | CABLE-CAS-02 |
Cable plastic case with wheels -medum sze | CABLE-CAS-W2 |
Cable plastic case -large size | CABLE-CAS-03 |
Cable plastic case with wheels -large size | CABLE-CAS-W3 |
Current cables | ||
Currert cables 2x5m 50mm²(32.8 tt,0AWG)with battery damps (for buit in 500 Amiao ohmmeter) |
C2-05-50VMB3 | |
Currert cables 2x10m 50mm²(32.8 tt,0 AWG)with battery damps (for buit in 500 Amicro ohmmeter) |
C2-10-50VMB3 | |
Currert cables 2x15m 70 mm?(49.2 tt,00 AWG)with battery damps (for buit in 500 Amico ohmmeter) |
C2-15-70VMB3 | |
Currert cables 2x5m 25mm?(32.8 tt,3 AWG)with battery clamps ffor buit in 200 A micro ohmmeter |
C2-05-25LMB1 | |
Curert cabes2x10m 25mm²(328 tt,3 AWG)wih battery clamps (for buit in 200 Amico ohmmeter) |
C2-10-25LMB1 | |
Currert cabes 2x15m35mme(49.2 t,2 AWG)with battery damps (for buit in 200 Amico ohmmeter) |
C2-15-35LMB1 | |
Sense cables | ||
Sense cales 2x5 m (32.8 ft)with alligalor damps (for buit in micro chmmeter |
S2-05-02BPA1 | |
Sense cables 2x10 m (32.8 ft)with alligator damps (for buit in mico ohmmete) |
S2-10-02BPA1 | |
Sense cales 2 x15 m (49.2 ft)with alligalor damps (for buit in micro cnmmete) |
S2-15-02BPA1 | |
Tran sducers | ||
Digital rotary transducer wth 5 m(16.4 ft)connection cale | DRT-250-C605 | |
Digital rotary transducer wih 10 m (32.8 ft)connection cabe | DRT-250-C610 | |
Digital rotary transducer with 5 m(16.4 )connecion cable with accessones | DRT-SET-0006 | |
Digital rotary transducer with 10 m (32.8 t)conneclion cabe wth accessones | DRT-SET-0010 | |
Linear analog transducer 150 mm(5.9 in)wih 5m (16.4 tt)connec ion cale and inear transducer rod |
LAT-150-C305 | |
Linear analog transducer 225 mm (8.85 in)with 5 m (16.4 f)connec ion cable and lnear transducer rod |
LAT-225-C305 | |
Linear analog transducer 300 mm(11.8 in)with 5m(16.4 tt)connection cable and inear transducer rod |
LAT-300-C305 | |
Lnear analog transducer 500 mm(19.68 in)with 5 m (16.4 f)connec ion cable and lnear transducer rod |
LAT-500-C305 | |
Tran sducer mounting kits | ||
Unversal transducer mourting ki | UTMKIT-0000 | |
Unversal transducer mourting kit -extended version | UTMKIT-0001 | |
Doble trans ducer adapter | DTA-BOX-C002 | |
Linear to rotary cowertor | LTR-CON-0000 | |
Online first tnp test kit | ||
Online first tnp lest kit-single-pole control | ONFTT-KJT-00 | |
Online first tnp test kit -three-pole control | ONFTT-KJT-01 | |
Piastic transport eas | ||
Transport case for 500 senes | HARD-CASE-NC | |
Transpont case tor 500 senes ith wheels | HARD-CASE-NW |
CAT500断路器分析仪和计时器规格 | |
电源供应 |
根据 IEC/EN60320-1; UL498, CSA 22.2连接 |
电源 | 90 V - 264 V AC |
频率 | 50/60 Hz |
I输入功率 | 3900 VA |
保险丝15 A / 250 V,快速反应,但不是用户可更换 |
适用标准 |
安装/过电压 | 第二类 |
污染 | 2度 |
安全 |
LVD 2014 / 35 /欧盟(CE符合) 标准EN 61010-1 |
指令2014 / 30 /欧盟(CE符合标准EN 61326-1:2006) |
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1 |
环境条件 |
操作温度 | -10 ºC - + 55 ºC / 14 ºF - +131 ºF |
存储和运输 | -40 ºC - + 70ºC / -40 ºF - +158 ºF |
湿度 | 度5% - 95%相对湿度 |
尺寸/重量 |
尺寸(宽 x 高 x 深): |
505 mm x 490 mm x 257 mm 19.9 in x 16.1 in x 10.1 in |
重量 | 15-17 kg |
CAT500断路器分析仪和计时器说明文档 |

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